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My Timesheets

My Timesheets page displays a list of timesheets e.g. on weekly basis. You can filter timesheets within a date range.

How to add a timesheet?

1. Click + icon on top right. Latest plus one week's timesheet added, will open. For example, if the latest timesheet added is from 22nd Aug, 2016 to 28th Aug, 2016, then next week's timesheet i.e. from 29th Aug, 2016 to 4th Sept, 2016 will open.

The Status can be:

A = Absent

HD = Half Day

MIS = Missed

HDL = Half Day Leave

L = Leave

P = Present

H = Holiday

WO = Weekly Off

2. Click add link to add a task and number of hours. Following pop up will open.

3. Enter the required information.

Note: a. Project and Task Group Add drop downs will display projects and task groups assigned to you.

b. Tasks drop down will contain tasks in a particular project.

4. Click Save button. A task will be added to the timesheet.

Likewise, add other tasks.

5. Click Submit button. Timesheet will be created and added to the timesheets list with Pending status.

Note: You can apply for leave and regularize for attendance from My Timesheets page.

How to apply for leave?

1. On Timesheet Details page, click icon. Following drop down will be displayed.

2. Click Apply Leave link. Following pop up will open.

3. Enter the required information.

4. Click Submit button. Leave request will be submitted.

How to regularize attendance?

1. On Timesheet Details page, click icon. Following drop down will be displayed.

2. Click Apply Regularization link. Following pop up will open.

3. Enter Modified Time In, Modified Time Out and Comment.

4. Click Submit button. Attendance regularization will be submitted.